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Save the Swans

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Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part one featuring Addy and Barbie.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part two. Addy is wondering if she should leave her there.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand
Part three. The Rescue. Addy Burdes (my grandniece age 2.5 on Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island).

Cherry blossoms and wind

Cherry blossoms and wind
the things you find outside of supermarkets...

Yogi and Peri

Yogi and Peri
Two budgie bird friends.


Garden Folklore

Garden Folklore
Many of our beliefs in regards to gardens come from the old country and still exist today. Listed are just a few of them.
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Friday, May 15, 2009

The town I grew up in

I"m just about ready to leave the town I grew up in once again to make that journey back to Victoria BC. Mum still lives here...she's flea jumped to a few houses and condos since I've grown up and away and right now it's a lovely two bed townhouse up for sale....220,000 she's hoping to get for it.'s a lovely day in May and the Dogwoods are all in bloom. In mum's backyard we see many a bobbing robin staking out his territory and the cherry tree heavy with pink explosions of blossoms. Oh the floor has just been sprayed and swiffered (lookieloos coming to day with real estate agent) and I am asked to wait until the floor dries to move. So here I sit. I don't relish this floor cleaner smell ....ick. Laundry is slowly churning away in the dryer and we are going out for pizza soon. I'd rather smell pizza than floor cleaner. Silly thing to say really...I mean who wouldn't? Anyway....almost off to home. I miss my birds terribly and hope they survived my four day absence. I leave their cage doors open so they have free flight with appropriate perch spots covered with newspaper ofcourse and I've set up Sophies bridge-stairway back to her cage if she falls (she can't fly you see..she only falls and bounces)so I hope she is especially okay. For mum's sake I hope her home sells...but I will miss her being so close. She will move to Calgary if it does be closer to her boyfriend. I can understand the problems of long distance relationships for sure. Anyway...not much to say at the moment...just using time whilst I wait for the floor to dry. Listened to poprad podcast once again and laughed. Those two British men are so funny who hosts and one who is the guest that is. You can find it attached to Eric Wiltshers blog and/or Leigh Banks. Have a listen if you want some jolly fun!! Any ways...seems like it's drier now so off I go..lunch and pizza soon!!!! Have a great Friday!