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Save the Swans

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Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part one featuring Addy and Barbie.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part two. Addy is wondering if she should leave her there.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand
Part three. The Rescue. Addy Burdes (my grandniece age 2.5 on Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island).

Cherry blossoms and wind

Cherry blossoms and wind
the things you find outside of supermarkets...

Yogi and Peri

Yogi and Peri
Two budgie bird friends.


Garden Folklore

Garden Folklore
Many of our beliefs in regards to gardens come from the old country and still exist today. Listed are just a few of them.
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Loving someone enough to let them fall

Maybe I've written before about this..I don't know. A person that I care about deeply is addicted..not to a substance but to a person. I see her getting pulled down by attaching herself to someone who does not return her a person who is an addict himself and only dragging her down with him. She believes that she has point where she will say "no more" but that point is really far off in the distance it seems. I worry sometimes that she will hurt herself in the meantime ..hurting herself to a degree that she cannot repair so easily...yet...she is an adult...she is fully a person in her own right and can make her own decisions. It hurts me to see her go through this but I can't avoid her either as I am one of the few that will listen to her woes lately. I don't want to leave her without anyone else to talk I guess I am sort of stuck here...trying to trust that all will work out for the best...but still trying to keep out of it and let go.
I can least I can pray.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

ego revisited.

How be concerned with someone else's ego to the point where your own ego gets invested. Oh this bugger! this Satan! Love him for helping me to question but oh he does love to conquer the Christ self. Yes to me the Satan (Ha-Satan or the adversary) is the part of you that is ego. Ego asks you to fear, to mistrust, that the other faces of God are not really God but outside of God and therefore to be mistrusted!! There is no such thing. All is God. God is all. Ego is like one person out of tune with a shared sing-a-long that tries to be so loud that he changes the rest of us to his tune. Ego wants to be noticed for he is dying faster in this world today as we all reach inwards for the Christ-self. The Trickster path is about the questioner...the fool who refused to march along with somnambulists..the person who shakes you up...goes inbetween...knocks you off your center so that you can learn at an excelarated rate. Trickster,Satan,Sacred Fool, Heyoka, Sacred Clown, Wild man of the Woods, Crazy cat lady....The Trickster path is all about finding the truth, making sure, laughing at constructs that are build by our minds and taken as "objective reality"...mirroring others to teach, acting like an ass to teach. The Trickster path is in league with ego..sees it as useful to a degree but only due to our fall into it. The Trickster path would not have created itself had we embraced diversity, oneness and had the "perfect love that casts out all fear." Trickster path persons can get a heap of negativity thrown at them by those that don't understand..usually seeing themselves in that mirror that is worn by the fool. Since many can't see everyone and everything as a teacher and as sacred they distrust. The distrust themselves. They think that everyone has the same duplicitous nature as they do. It is not an easy path. You get laughed at, called a boor, a fool, a show off, you get distrusted, you sometimes get appreciated but you do find out who are true friends that's for sure. You also learn that you have much to learn yourself....that you have to work on ego constantly. You can get pretty smug with all that "oh aren't I clever?" folderal but then you fuck up and people help you come back down to truth..that you are no better, no worse but the same. I was born on this path ...and I have had to accept it. No...I am not nailing myself to a cross here. I just have to learn how to accept this through outloud to help myself and maybe someone else out there going through shaman sickness or trying to find their way. Sometimes my words can get all twisted up...sometimes there is not a human word for the things I feel or the Gnosis that we all have so forgive me. Maybe I should just sing. :) wearing a bright yellow duck suit and standing outside the Law offices ofcourse.