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Save the Swans

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Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part one featuring Addy and Barbie.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part two. Addy is wondering if she should leave her there.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand
Part three. The Rescue. Addy Burdes (my grandniece age 2.5 on Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island).

Cherry blossoms and wind

Cherry blossoms and wind
the things you find outside of supermarkets...

Yogi and Peri

Yogi and Peri
Two budgie bird friends.


Garden Folklore

Garden Folklore
Many of our beliefs in regards to gardens come from the old country and still exist today. Listed are just a few of them.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Michael Dunahee

In 1991 I was living with my ex very close to the park that Michael Dunahee was last seen at. I remember one evening late I heard this woman in the park out my window yelling "Michael!!!" and I thought..why would someone's kid be out at this time of night? I was vaguely irritated. The next morning I awoke to hearing helicopters buzzing the area and after the third or fourth buzz I thought..I wonder if it has anything to do with that lady yelling for her kid last night? Then I turned on the news and heard that this little boy had been snatched in broad daylight during a baseball game. It was just an instant and then he was gone. I remember voluntarily looking for him in the neighbourhood as did many folks. It has been 18 years. The yearly walk for him goes on....the point being made for parents to be very watchful..more so than they already are. I wonder about him..if he's still with us...but I don't think so. If you are out there Michael...if you are...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

beautiful people

There are so many beautiful people in the city where I live. There is beauty both inside and outside of beings. There is the beauty that is painted on and the beauty that is in the canvas itself. Since becoming a photograper, I've noticed beauty much more in everything that is. I've seen beautiful poses intentional and not...I've seen beautiful actions and reactions, I've learnt to love anyone who smiles..seeing their expression change so dramatically from keep away! to Hug me!! I now find it hard to find ugliness. Oh is still out there but the beauty of the ordinary ..the dance that is being alive distracts me somewhat and I thank that.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Why are you in my house ants? I've been telling you that I have to be able to clean etc. and have been warning you that your staying to this morning is your agreement to maybe be killed in a horrid spray of disinfectant. I've been hiding food well...but I forgot the sugar bowl. How interesting to find you all in there having a party. Now I know I don't need a lot of thankyou for that, but really I don't eat much in the way of sprinkled on sugar so no need really to be so thoughtful. I address the overlighting spirit of the ant to please take your beings outside to the yard....I ask you this with the greatest of respect and concern. I'm just one woman, trying to keep a tidy home with the least killing possible! please heed my call. Thankyou.

as Kind as one might treat strangers

I resolve to treat my boyfriend as kindly and with regard to his feelings as I might treat complete strangers. I resolve to not take him for granted..thinking he will always be there so why try harder?..I resolve to always think of him as a human being first and a boyfriend second. My boyfriend is not just a player in the story of Ravy, my boyfriend is his own person and I will always be cognizant of that. This man has proven to me that he can be trusted...totally. I am going to learn to trust my boyfriend, totally. Some women may say..oh that's not right...but I don't want to live my life with cynicism. I want to believe that some people can be totally trusted. I've made that commitment myself, I want to believe that others can do this too. I was going to say "if".....I don't want to believe in that "if" even. This is me today. March 25/2009.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


One flower stands overpollinated in a field ; what wondrous things will she create today? Bring beauty it in or emotion....bring beauty today to those that will behold. When beauty is produces beauty which produces beauty which produces beauty...Every fertile thought produces thought, every action, reaction and action. Energy is never still but goes onward in circles and ripples. We can make mountains move if we have as sure and real belief as a small mustard seed....the size never matters but that our belief be sure as sure as what we could hold in our hands and eyes..that kind of sureness. Humanity has no idea how powerful we are..that we are indeed made in Gods your God the likeness of Jesus or Buddha or Jehovah or Kwan Yin...we are the microcosm of that macrocosm. Be fruitful and multiply your creations!!! creation is love and love is creation!!! We have too long believed in the lie of separation, the lie of powerless, the lie of God being "over there" and not within and around. Who is this ego we call Satan, we call doubt, we call aloneness? Why do we support that life?
Know how wondrous we are. Know how we are never without God.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tomorrow Butchart Gardens?

Tomorrow I may be off to Butchart again. Last time I was there was October. I missed her winter but am going to see her first few days of spring. A pass really was worth it..both from an economical point of view but from what I get photographically! This place hums with fae activity. They feed off the joy and awe and serenity that people push out around their bodies . I see many strings going back and forth. I'm blissful today. All good things around me are sent by the God/dess. Blessed bees!!!! buzz buzz

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I teach by example

I teach by example of what to do and what not to do. Wearing a mirror ,I show you yourself...your many selves. I am on an upside down path searching for someone to hold onto...learning to trust in the almighty ONE.

wash through

I lay down upon the earth, ready. Looking up at the sky I grow dizzy. Such a large expanse of no boundary, no marker of what is up or down or in or out. I grow dizzy and close my eyes readying myself.
Then it begins.

I feel a light patter of rain dropping on my eyelids, my lip, my chin and following that comes a torrent. Rain beats against my shirt and pants. Rain soaks into my pores and goes deeper. Rain flows thorugh my heart,bones and liver, carrying the grey much of my sadnesses, my angers, my frustration out into the soil beneath me. Each gathering of drops grabs the last bits of dark and heavy and carries it out to go into mothers waiting hands. Mother takes it and transforms it into light Something happens in this process...I feel sleepy. I'd think I'd feel more energized but I feel sleepy so after getting up and cleaning off...I go and sleep. My body smells of fresh soil and I dream of flowers. When I wake up ...I am transformed. I am so full of light that I want to cry...but I don't. I laugh. then eat and go on with my day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cherry tree spirits

So I went walking past the cherry tree and stopped because I felt something grab my attention. I looked at cherry to see small beings clamouring about and then watched as one around a foot tall strode up to me questioningly. It had the look of a small boy almost...but asked me without using a mouth if I could see him. Yes I can see you I said...I'm just watching and nice to meet you. I don't want to interfere with your nice meeting you I said..and I walked on. I looked back to see him still watching me before he turned back and melted into the tree..first as a shapeless light and then vanishing. The cherry was just in pre-blossom state and had a rosiness to it's tips and was positively purring (?). Purring trees...LOL fancy that. I had to stomp my feet, hard, to ground myself more and carry on with my walk-jog. It was one of those very trancey days for me. I guess the earbuds with Prokofiev blaring in my ears didn't help my mindfulness. *grin* Must do more walks without accompaning mp3 player to hear the wind and trees talk more.

Holding light in ones hand

Ever try to hold light in your hand? you can't. Light goes where it wants to can push can't stop light. You CAN direct light but can't force it. Where light needs to will go...if not right away..eventually. I once tried to force light into a box..the box was not open so nothing penetrated. The box was not translucent or the light just danced around on the outside waiting. The light had to have some patience for the way to be made open to it. Some thought the light was something else...some were afraid of it...some were suspicious of it..some thought it came cloaked in Raven's trickery...perhaps to the last ...maybe. No one knows when Raven or how Raven delivers light. Eventually the light just left a calling card and went home to wait until the box opened and the light was searched for. You really can't force light. That's what I've learnt.

Monday, March 16, 2009

holding hands under the border.

When we were children, we'd just play and explore. I'd see you all brown and toasty and you'd see me in varying degrees of pink and red in the summer and ultra white in winter. We'd share, we'd run and make forts and giggle and hide. We'd share our drawings, our pets our longings and desires for our future. As we got older something took hold and we were less free...still friends but more self conscious....I tried to learn your ways and tried to be sensitive to your hurts and history. I just wanted a sharing again ..something I guess I felt being slowly pulled away in increments so small I couldn't really feel it at first. Growing older we went our ways and adulthood with all of its politics and divisions has separated us even further and all I want is to be in that same place I was in elementary school...sharing. There is such wisdom in childhood...such baring of the soul and we have surely lost that somehow......I want it back. I want it back. Me and you sitting in the kitchen eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and laughing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Intolerance to other ideas

I'm always amazed at those out there without tolerance for a different way of seeing things. For instance:

People were talking about how there is a class system in Canada. I personally didn't believe that "class" was the best word for it. I see Class as indicative of character-traits of being kind or unkind. No no they said..we mean a division.. a socio-economic line etc. they said. I said I don't see it that way. I see it as those having more or less money but add the word "class" and it always conjures up images of "less thans, more thans" "better and worse thans" "snobbery etc. They then stated "well just because you think it that way doesn't mean others do...and boy are you naive! " oh yes and obtuse one woman said.

I never said that there was no division of people in the country on economic lines I said...I just don't see it that way personally due to the word class being used. One woman had a perfect snit because her way of seeing it was the only one allowed and she was to quote a friend "a dog with a bone". She totally missed out the part where I said "yes the country is divided on economic lines...BUT " Amazing. She threw a few more ad hominems at me and then stopped. I told her "I love you too" and left it there. Sheesh. You know one first nations person said once "you white people bludgeon the meaning of a word until there's nothing's my way or the high way" taking away the generalization of all white people , those words spoke in my head when I was being harangued.

Sometimes I really get tired.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Faeries frolicking!

Faeries are frolicking all over my trees in the front yard! Something is going on obviously..I think they are just waking some of the trees up...helping the energy to flow towards all the limbs. So much quickness! It's a joy to watch. Blues,whites,and light green blurring colours all winking on and off in a's wonderful. Grass fae are moving relatively slower, vibrating bands of colour glowing on and off. Cheers. Spring is coming. Whoopity Scoorie!!!!

Ravy's tips for good hair if you have naturally curly hair.

I often get asked if my hair is natural...colour and curl...yup. I have also been asked what I do to get my hair to be the way it is. My hair tends to form natural ringlets as it dries. I will now tell what I do to get my hair to do what it does. Attention! this is for women or men with natural curly...hedging on

Brush out your hair only once a week.

Rinse your hair with water (as in a shower) six days a week.

Don't comb it out with a comb or your fingers..resist that urge and leave it alone!!

Once a week give your hair a good brushing and then shampoo and a good moisturizing conditioner.

every other day use a leave in hair product such as a silicone based hair serum or treatment after your shower.

Let hair dry naturally.

Trim ends only when you see splits. (this is if you have long hair and want to keep it long).

So it goes kinda like this:

Friday - brush-shampoo-conditioner-treatment/product

Saturday- just water-treatment/product

Sunday - just water

Monday-water and treatment/product

Tuesday - water

Wednesday -water and treatment/product

Thursday- just water

Friday - see above friday and do it all over again.

that's more or less what I do. For those who have to wash daily ..this might seem gross not to wash your hair for a week but believe me..with my hair I could be on an island for ten days without shampooing and my hair still wouldn't look too greasy. Some folks need to wash daily..some don't.

Yes it's a superficial post but why not?


coffee house

wait for it...wait for it.....Yes! it's the martyrs whine for today folks! Tonight is my monthly pagan coffee house that my group holds. Since I am the one that began all of this on our group I do feel a sense of "should" to be there...despite the fact that many times no one shows up or just one. Let me get this off my chest now. This is not easy for me. It may look easy..but if you really truly know me, this is not easy. I go because I don't want any newbies to wonder why I put out a notice of an event then don't show up myself. I wonder if some folks think, oh Ravy will be there so I don't need to show up...I wonder... Anyways it something I do and I often hope that I meet someone new or at least one of my closest friends shows up so it's not a total washout. I love to curl up in a warm cozy chair with a hot mug of steaming coffee...little whispy trails of steam curling about my nose..ah bliss...but it's best when you can talk to at least one other person. I look around at those with the laptops..those in small couples ..heads together whispering and shooting furtive glances about. Maybe I'll bring a book. Books are always safe havens to hide in when you are left to just the voices in your head entertaining you. Sigh. Okay I admit it, I'm moaning and coming off as a poor baby but hey if you can't rant on a blog where CAN you rant?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

eight babies

Hate to bring this overdone topic into the hallowed halls of Blogspot...but the mother of those octuplets is one thing..the babies are another. The Babies are here so time to put away yea or nay comments on whether it was smart or not or good or not and focus on those wee little ones. Tender little hearts borne into a world that wants to fillet their mum, how wonderful for them. I wish her success and that many many people help her and the kids to thrive. One of these babies may cure cancer someday. Welcome little ones, the world is more beautiful than you know just yet. You'll see.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some new pentagram products new at Twonk!

I'm happy. I just created some new pentagram hats, caps, and tshirts,tanks at my Twonk store on Cafepress. I love the pink hat especially! ooh I'm happy. Come take a look if you want.

Happy 50th

Just wanted to wish my sis-in-law Heather a very happy 50th birthday! You've been a wonderful wife to my brother,daughter-in-law to my mum, mother to my nephew and niece,grandmother to my great niece,and friend to me. Thankyou for happy shopping trips , family get togethers, pots and pots of coffee and the music of your laughter. I am very happy and proud to call you sister in law. You're 50 today which really just means 30 with twenty years of experience since no one is really over 30..not REALLY. Have a great one. hugs, Bren

Monday, March 9, 2009

re: Snowball

I couldn't help but put her/him? up . This video makes me laugh and fills me with joy. Head banging Cockatoo...LOL.

Snowball the dancing Cockatoo

courage to be kind

I don't understand purposely hurtful people. I don't understand the need to distance yourself from unpleasant ideas by hurting some symbol of said unpleasant idea. I don't understand people putting down race,size,gender,sexuality,intelligence,taste,money or lack thereof,religion or spirituality. I don't understand assumptions before one finds the truth. I don't understand one- upmanship or letting someone know that you are vulnerable at times. What human being hasn't been vulnerable at times?
You know...I do understand why people do these things..and that is fear..fear of something. I guess I should say...I don't understand why people CHOOSE to be hateful. Is being a kind human being a courageous yet odd thing to be? Is it opening up a raw tender part of yourself and saying "well here it can kick me there if you want..I give you that choice"? How many of us hold back a compliment,a tender word or nicety....a positive thing for fear of looking foolish or strange or horrors! not haing it returned? Say it..say it now! all good energy should be long as you are sincere it should hit its mark and resonate throughout the Universe. Just another stream of thought.

Skadis last hurrah!

Skadi says look at me people! I am here and I will not leave easily or quickly. Eostre waits in the wings...listening for her cue...tapping her foot,impatiently, whereupon flowers spring upwards only to shake the snow off their shoulders in shock." I will snow and blow and float and batter....I will claim all that is mine for the last time and let you not forget me too soon!!" Skadi declares emphatically. One more bony finger poking at us to honour that which is dead....that last hurrah before the change..the next door...the rebirthing channel that is cracking open. Do I see light on the horizon? My t-shirts are waiting...hibernating small fuzz balls of their own before they stretch and warm to the rays. Patience...she teaches me patience. Hail Skadi.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

open to.

All I need is you , he said. I could have been frightened...could have said that's a lot to ask of one girl ...could have questioned his sanity....but I felt honoured. I was not secretly honoured...I smiled ,settled my gaze on one of those little bits of light in his eye and breathed him in. I shall be the Yin to your Yang....the companion to your mind and holder of your heart. We shall make prayers in bed and create little lands of hopes and dreams . Be we at rest or in motion...come with me and hold my hand. I love you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

through the door

WE are all frozen light. Better still, our bodies are frozen light and we've hooked our spirits into the earth plane . Five months in utero I decided that I had better hook strong into the earth dimension and so I did. I got used to the confinement of my mothers' womb by sleeping until was a frightening experience. When they brought me back to compress against that familiar warmth and heart beat I settled down. Everything was so bright for my eyes. I seemed shocked into forgetfulness to my life prior to this. Oh I remembered some but everyday something left to be filled in by a new experience. Faces faded from me....words...I couldn't even find the words to say to express my pure emotive noises would have to suffice until I learned these words again. I felt a homesickness that I couldn't explain...and that homesickness still bumps up against me to this very day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ollie the Budgie is focused on something and this something according to him, deserves much chatter and pecks. I'm not sure why he seems to focus on something....something shiny or something just sticking out but it seems he has to have a chirp and peck focus. Every morning he starts up a chirp storm whilst the other birds, a girl budgie and a boy lovebird, do the rare chirp just to keep in practise. I suppose Ollie is the singer of the bunch, maybe he's doing his version of saying morning prayers from a tower in the Middle East? seems he must start each day this way. I appreciate his words of happy wisdom. Greet each morning with joy, embrace the new light and all the promise of the new day! Now he is sitting on the top of my door...rather a precarious place but I do feel for any breezes (none) and no one else around to slam the door so he is safe...and he is again chirping his little birdie head off. I suppose he feels that he must spread this around and make sure that others hear him so he moves his position every now and again. I love Ollie. Good morning.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can it be done?

I want to look at you and see a human being first. I don't want to look at you in lust. Why should this be so hard. Why does de-sexualizing make one more human to me? oh wrong choice of words. I want to drink in your beauty, I want to talk to you without any ulterior motive of flirt or maybe or should I? or what have you. I want to embrace your man self, your boy self as friend, no sex, no disregard for that healthy and creative power but to see you without that baggage. What if we should meet without our genitals? Let's put them in a pile over by the door and just sit for awhile and talk. Let's look and cuddle and play in a freedom uncluttered by eros. Is this even doable? is it possible to appreciate a beautiful sexy man without hormones taking over? I want this. I want to get to know the other half of the population and not let sex ruin it.

street fairies

I watched you sing to yourself as I waited for my ride. Earphones on....rings and things on your face you sang out loud and clear. I watched one woman wait for her ride and look at me questioningly after she looked at you briefly. We were are on Johnson...a street famed for its uniqueness, its people,its style or lack thereof and one should expect this. I took out my camera, I so wanted to snap you but didn't want to break you out of your I took rooftops and building facades and busied myself...still listening to you warble. I went home thinking about nuttiness and my town and how I envied your freedom to sing out like no one could hear. I hope you never stop feeling this freedom.
Take care.

Early fae siting

I spotted a nature being, moving around my rowan tree in the front yard. It is an overcast day and as I usually see them on bright days this is something. Gently moving around rowan as if she's smoothing the limbs upward...moving the energy? She blends with the tree energy and then I concentrate she grows more delineated. She knows I am watching but knows my heart so she continues doing her work. She slowly moves up the tree and then I can't see her anymore so I wonder if I moved out of that state of consciousness or she sped up her vibration and left? Interesting.

Today I am in expectation of something..I have that feeling that something good is going to happen but can't pin down what just yet. I'm feeling my pockets fill with money! ooooh yeah! have a great day all. Ravy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today it is raining. Well better put, this morning it is raining. I will not complain as I have no snow unlike those on the east coast. It's grey and that's okay. My birds, two budgies and a lovebird , are watching me hoping that I do something "God-like" or sing. They love when I sing because they all join in. I am drowned out by birdy voices.
I'm trying to find new stimulus for art for my shirts and/or other things. I really should toodle around town again soon and find more stores that will take my cards.
I am bugged that this cold has me loafing around and not exercising much. I want to exercise!!! okay screw the last vestiges of this cold, I'm at least going to do a little pilates today. I want to have a superstrong core. I want to be able to stop cannon balls with my abdominals. No really. Anyone being "avasted" by ye pirates will just have to pull me infront of them and yo heave ho! Okay maybe not that strong but you get my drift. Well not much else to say at the moment...right now Ollie the Budge is giving little kissy-pecks to Tori the lovebird on his beak and all is harmonious in the Moondancer home. I wish all a sunny happy morning and rest of the day. hugs and pay THAT forward.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Living my life for men

If I were to live my life for men...

I'd be thinner, fatter, less stomach,more stomach, breasts that stood up straight when I laid down, less breasts, more breasts. I'd shave my pubes, leave my pubes alone, shave my underarms, leave my underarms all furry, I'd wear deodorant,I'd leave deodorant to sit unused in my bathroom cabinet, I'd straighten my hair, leave it natural, I'd wear no makeup,less makeup or more makeup, I'd have kids, I'd be childfree, I'd be a go-getter with a great job, I'd be a go-getter with a job that made me fascinating but did not overshadow a guys job, I'd be a stay at home wife, I'd not have pets,I'd have pets, I'd wear foot and leg killing heels, I'd wear short skirts, low cut tops, Not too low cut tops, strangle my neck with a collar tops, I'd wear perfume, I'd stop wearing perfume, I'd be a great cook and housekeeper, I'd not be too domestic, I'd not be too funny, I'd not be too raunchy, I'd be one of the guys, I'd be a real lady, I'd be stupider, I'd be smarter, I'd be interested in football, I'd eat more meat, I'd eat less meat, I'd be more bisexual , I'd be a very open minded threesome minded gal!!!, I'd not be a slut, I'd not be a prude.

I love my girlfriends and the guy that loves me for who I am.