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Save the Swans

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Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part one featuring Addy and Barbie.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part two. Addy is wondering if she should leave her there.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand
Part three. The Rescue. Addy Burdes (my grandniece age 2.5 on Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island).

Cherry blossoms and wind

Cherry blossoms and wind
the things you find outside of supermarkets...

Yogi and Peri

Yogi and Peri
Two budgie bird friends.


Garden Folklore

Garden Folklore
Many of our beliefs in regards to gardens come from the old country and still exist today. Listed are just a few of them.
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Friday, February 27, 2009

what just happenned?

So I'm trying to understand some gadgets. I added the friend thing so I could follow and connect with others and vice versa but I swear I hopped into this like one jumps into some slightly sinister dance of upside down naked reeling! I was in ...I did a few steps...I got out..and I wonder if I actually did anything? oh yes...I've connected and gotten something up so there's proof that killroy WAS there but still...just what did I do? Does it make it easier for some to find me? I found some neat blogs and will follow them but does this mean they can see mine now? I'm constantly thinking about how much of myself I want to bare to the world. How much is too much? Anyway...I hope something good will come of this. Ravy the "comparatively" almost-Luddite.


  1. I found you. But I'm a tad confounded myself because blogger very recently made changes to the gadget and it took me a while just now to make heads and tails of it. In any event, I did see that you are following my blog and I came by to welcome you to the bloggy world.

    I hope it's a good experience for you. I've been blogging for a year and I constantly struggle with how much to reveal. That probably doesn't help.

    It looks like you have some good stuff going on here, so just keep posting! I like birds, too, especially crows. You should visit Phantsy That, my friend Susan's blog, which is co-written by Crow. She's on my follower's list and on my blog roll.


  2. I shall do that! thanks. Yes I've just gotten on here fairly recently and some things are confusing but I'm one of those people who learns by doing so hopefully this will not take long. I once saw four crows sitting around a closed pizza box wondering how to open it. I wished I had my camera! anyways I went over and opened the box for them so they could get to the left over cheesy bits and they seemed to smile (maybe at the corners of their beaks? :D ) Anyway thanks for your comments.
