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Save the Swans

see some of my pix here.


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Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part one featuring Addy and Barbie.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand!
part two. Addy is wondering if she should leave her there.

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand

Oh Barbie is stuck in the sand
Part three. The Rescue. Addy Burdes (my grandniece age 2.5 on Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island).

Cherry blossoms and wind

Cherry blossoms and wind
the things you find outside of supermarkets...

Yogi and Peri

Yogi and Peri
Two budgie bird friends.


Garden Folklore

Garden Folklore
Many of our beliefs in regards to gardens come from the old country and still exist today. Listed are just a few of them.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sorry Faeries

I was waiting for a bus and noticed right behind me was this lot that contained an old derelict house ready to be torn down..and just some trees and flowers and grass popping up all wild and beautiful. I am struck by the beauty of this nature making a barren place look so wonderful and glorious. The fae were at work here...attaching the matter to the etheric blueprint of each growing thing...lively in the sunbeams and happy. I took pictures and a bit of a video and as I was doing so a man came up to me and asked me if I thought it would be okay for him to pick flowers. Being an honest person I thought, well I don't own this place and it probably would I told him that it would most likely be okay to pick, flowers.

I regretted these words because as he left to do so..I felt guilt at what he would now be doing..ripping flowers that were once growing being killed. I frowned as I saw him holding bunches of bluebells. "You know ,said will get the faeries upset by ripping out bluebells". He said " I don't believe in faeries" and then added "I am a faery". I told him that I did believe in faeries. The communication sort of ended there and I just got irritated that I had a part in causing this. My apologies to the fae. The man did it for beauty appreciation and perhaps to show love to another. At least there was a good point to this and he didn't just rip them out for no reason. I still felt badly though. I know the fae understand doing something for love reasons...but still.

Monday, April 27, 2009

last one for now!

and again

continuing with Butchart

more Butchart Garden pics.

Pictures of Butchart in April 2009

Swine Flu prevention

Wash your hands constantly. Stay away from crowds. If you sneeze do it into your arm . Spray your doorknobs with Lysol or whatever else kills germs and viruses. Keep healthy. Get your sleep and don't run yourself ragged. Good luck!

Just be nice.

Just be nice. Ask I loving or am I all about my ego and kicking someone when they are down? Will that ripple that I begin come around and bite me in the ass? put yourself in their shoes, look into their eyes....Don't go around expecting an immediate pay back for all the good you do..know that it will come in due time....Just be nice.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Live streaming eagle cam.

Eagle cam on my blog now. This eagle nest is in Sidney...just an hours drive or less north of Victoria BC. The eagle pair have three babies..all in gray down still as of April 24th. Very nice to be able to see this. Life is good.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Face back to normal now...and with my sweetie too!

Good news?

So lately I hear spiritually inclined folks talk about not watching the nightly news..that energy focused on negativity inherent in most news manifests more negativity in the world. I do think about that. I mean, we can't be doing that ostrich mythos of putting our head in the sand can we? It might be naive to think that one can actually bypass all the negativity in this world's on computers,radios, newspapers and in the talk of your friends. It would be worth a try divert ones eyes from manifest a beautiful world based on one believing that there is only good out there. It sounds so space cadet but why poo-poo something without giving it a try? Do we manifest what we focus on? Supposedly this "secret" which hasn't been a secret to most pagan folks is worth attempting. Maybe this is one way I can help all? If I just scream and moan about a bad situation and not give one ounce of help to it except to send on the info to another person who just screams and so on and so forth...can good come of it? perhaps..perhaps by bringing it to someone who CAN do something about it...but there will always be those people doing that. Maybe my job for awhile will be to focus on good and only good and manifest that moreso? Maybe that is one small way I can help ? Just thinking.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

two pics for Oriana..just because

ants revisited.

So again, I tell the ants if they don't leave my home in the next 24 hours that I would accept their being there as indication that they want to go to the great ant farm in the sky. I noticed them trying to eat one little honey nut cheerio that I left out for them. Yes I know what you're thinking....she leaves food out and wonders why she gets ants! No..there was nothing much that I could see them eating...I put a cheerio up there just to be nice. They all circled the cheerio and we're having a real hootenanny but it didn't slake their I poured what was left of my blueberry juice (a scant lid ful) and left it for them. I came back in a few hours and ten ants had committed hara kiri in the juice!! actually they went to drink and fell in I suppose. Interesting way to go. Death by juice.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my face

Uhm..incase anyone wonders looking at my facebook link on this page and what the heck I have going on with my face..I just did a little fun drawing and made myself a big old puddytat. heehee. Ravy

bold statements

All though I do understand the need for psychics to make strong statements of "is" when they talk about spirituality...saying it that way creates less of the second guessing habit that plagues people in their early psychic growth....When a psychic is not speaking with that particular "hat" on ....and says things of "statement" without anything to back it up for bugs bugs me a lot. A woman totally just negated something I had said about orbs...not with any proof...but with her opinion on orbs and why I was wrong. Problem is...she said it as "truth"..not "possible truth" It's like someone running roughshod over your beliefs...your own take on something.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Burning dandelions

Today I walk by a neighbour doing something odd to plants in his lawn..I said hello..and he smiled and looked where I was looking and said "it's better for the environment" . I was thinking how much it stunk, how much it hurt those poor dandelions and why people are so intent on having this lawn that looks like velvet... So neutered. Sigh..I don't know. Yeah better for the environment I suppose.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


the instructions on my seeds all say...after a bit of growth thin plants so that the weakest plants are taken off giving more room to the strongest.
I can't do that.

Yup you heard me folks. I can't just pull out a little baby from its womb of earth and toss it in the compost because the other one needs more room. Maybe my plants will fight it out themselves. I just can't kill something for living too close to another. I shall try and plant just one seed per's taking a chance I know but i bothers me less. The good folk are happier with me when I do this.

Oh and what constitutes a weed? isn't a weed just a plant that you don't want? That's another toughy for me. I can pull weeds if they seem to be choking another plant to death but just growing? No. Think about how Dandelions are maligned! these lovely plants that give us leaves to eat in salads, heads to make into wine, roots to make into a brew...and also help keep us healthy...detoxed etc. We pull these little yellow buttons out as if they are evil. I appreciate you Dandelion....I do indeed.

Easter, Passover, Assumptions.

My boyfriend is culture of his ancestors, Jewish. He does not follow the religion and was brought up in a non-practising household as well. Once as a teen he dabbled in Christianity but that didn't hold him. His religion..for all intents and veganism.
Since his last name is very very Jewish sounding...people assume right off that he must be Jewish. Well a sense yes. If they asked me his religion..I would not say Jewish....if they asked me his heritage..I would. I've learnt over the years to not refer to him as Jewish. He is not a self-loathing Jew or anything like that...but he does not like to be painted into a religious tradition that he feels nothing for nor is practising. I don' blame him. I hesitate to even playfully say "Happy Passover" because I know I will get a "sigh". I guess he's just had it so much in his life that he gets tired of it. The pressure to be a certain religion and to be expected to know all about it by others can be quite the assumption. He never even had his bar-mitzvah so according to the Jewish faith he would still be the ripe old age of be boy..not a man. It is kind of funny to have his goy girlfriend use yiddish terms around him or tell him when certain Jewish holidays are! but again...we don't need stereotypes...we don't need to pidgeon hole people into certain labels just because of their ancestry either. I guess I was just delighted when I first found out what his heritage is because I find it a rich culture and I'm very interested in cultures...but the newness is wearing off (after seven years) and I'm getting over it ...LOL. His family culture is not mine to play with. Sigh. ;) No one likes the pressure to be something they are not. I remember dating a guy and he said to me on the first date "how about you go and get some of your witchy clothes on?" if I was supposed to have this vast closet of witchy costumes to wear for him to get a thrill. Okay boyfriend...yes...thinking about it..I can see how that would be very irritating. Sorry.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today the world is beautiful.
Other days I simply have blinders on.
Enjoy your day.


Friday, April 3, 2009

My stores!

ooh and don't forget my store links are down the right hand side too! cafepress~


I just added a new button down the right hand side of my blog to join my Victoria Pagan Social Club on yahoogroups. This club is for people in Victoria or who can make the monthly get togethers in Victoria just have a social time..drinking coffee and discussing things. If you are pagan or pagan friendly...and live or visit the town of Wiccatoria frequently..then please consider joining! No rituals are done in this group. This is purely social. Blessings Ravynwolfe.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On being a Shaman

It is not an easy task to be a shaman. One has to be very strong mentally and emotionally and then physically. A true Shaman can keep a foot in each world almost equally and by that I mean he/she can function well in two or more dimensions. Many people who fancy being shamen are not always grounded enough to be practical. Many may be going through their shaman sickness to become a shaman at a future date but not a shaman just yet. One cannot just call themselves shaman and have it be so. You can be practising at being a shaman or walker/traveller what have you...but it is up to others whether you truly are or not. If you have come to a place where you are okay ...don't have to be rich or what have you (I've seen and heard of plenty of materially poor shamen)but okayand with a firm grip on this dimension as well as the ability to travel the web by merging their attention to it then they may be a shaman.Then again we have those on a trickster path who may look off their rocker butare very firmly connected to their earth root. We can't assume just by looking at someone...they too may be going through their "sickness" which is a kind of death and rebirth process that can take anywhere from a day to decades.I was just thinking about the strength it takes to follow this path and thought I'd yak again. Blessings Ravy

Depersonalization and Autism etc.

There is so much stress in todays world and we have fooled ourselves into thinking we can all handle it. I find more and more people are escaping within their own bodies. I see people letting all connections to this earth plane go except one tenuous thread. We can't just run away for there is no way to go so we scramble to one small part of ourselves...or outside of ourselves within another dimension just to escape the stress. I wonder at the rise in autism,aspergers,and depersonalization. Who wouldn't want to leave this world once in awhile? We try and protect our children from seeing horrid images but think we are immune to it. It all affects us. We handle it in a different way but horrid images and words and thoughts do affect us. Perhaps we need to parent ourselves more, realize how shielded one must learn to be to be fully grounded in this world. I feel this strongly. Protect yourself and shield yourself and the best way is to stay healthy both physically and mentally, get your rest, visualize and manifest protection around you and know that we are made in the creators image that the creator only has good for us and if we know this...truly know this...we will survive intact. Love to you all, Ravynwolfe