Sunday, May 31, 2009
Goodbye May
Goodbye dear May....I'll miss you. I've enjoyed your new blossoms, that indecisiveness in regards to weather, and your increasing sunlight. You're going out and your sister June is coming in....she's a bit warmer, a bit more experienced and somewhat more showy but I'll always love you best. See you next year.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Morning and Rain
It's morning and it's raining out and I am so happy!
It's May and everything is body feels very healthy...I'm in love...I have food and life is good.
Just look at that life giving rain! We live in a rainforest and we need this for our way of life. Everything is sensual and dancing and I am giddy with life.
Be happy for all that you have, for all the creator bestows upon us! You are in this school which means you're to be are taking a tough but rewarding road to please do feel good about yourself and all those beings around you also on this journey.
Outside a seagull just called his friends to food he has found..even he is happy today! This is a good life...treat it with respect and get the most out of it. May you live every day of your life.
Love to all readers,Ravynwolfe
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Things I've learnt in 47 years.
I've learnt that you should not worry if you can't cry at a loved one's passing. Your way of expressing or not expressing is your own. There is no way to properly grieve. Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself no matter what people say.
I've learnt that nothing is better than a good friend, be it four legged,winged or two legged. A really good friend, ie: one that loves you unconditionally, one that is loyal will be there when no one else is.
I've learnt that many men can't resist free p***y but it takes someone really special to be strong and honest. I've learnt that many relationships repeat patterns unless you learn to stay with someone and work on it. We all can get lazy...want to go off and find a new toy that doesn't have us working hard on it....but after a few months, the same "stuff" crops up. Work on your happiness...from within. Figure out what you really want and work on it.
I've learnt that we sometimes treat those closest to us with less respect than strangers. Keep respect for your loved ones. See these loved ones as human beings and individuals..not just extensions of your life and your show.
I've learnt that so many things we restrict ourselves from don't hurt anyone at all and we do this because we are worried about what others think. Be your authentic self..not a copy of someone else or someone "safe" . Be yourself and be courageous to show that loving self. The creator made a variety of flowers for the beauty and diversity of this world. We can't all be roses and nor should we. How boring would that be?
I've learnt that it's silly how we follow fashion trends to a ridiculous point ..for example : wearing bell bottoms is so old and laughable and then bell bottoms are wonderful and hip! okay folks...what just changed to make this so? Designers saying so. Are we all sheep? Be your own creation.
I've learnt that humour is never worth hurting someone's feelings...nor is taking oneself so seriously that you can't laugh at yourself. The world is funny...even when it's can be all depends on how you see it.
I've learnt that just because someone is critical of someone behind their back to a close trusted friend, that doesn't mean that the criticizer wants to hurt the person. Some people just need to vent but still can love somebody they vent about.
I've learnt that I can be wrong constantly and love learning this and striving to become better.
I've learnt that so many people judge a person based on age ...that I can understand why so many folks lie about their age or just don't admit it. How would you like to be 47...look 34 and have people all of a sudden treat you differently..or just stop flirting with you because they think you are passed it? How irritating is that? I do it too and have to learn to stop that.
I've learnt that ego and fear are the cause of 99% of the negativity in life.
I've learn that love is the most important thing. Approach all with love and yourself and others. Have patience that people learn and grow as the years go by and holding grudges against anyone is too heavy a burden. If a person gives you nothing BUT grief...kindly let them go from your life but always have patience first and give people a chance. Who here is perfect?
I've learnt to value myself and my spirit. Have a great day all. Share your learnings with others.
Monday, May 18, 2009
If you are against the seal hunt.
If you are against the sealhunt...then I hope you are also against factory farmed animals, dairy and egg industry as well. To be against one thing because it causes pain and not others seems rather hypocritical to me. Chickens,fish,bulls,cows,pigs are all in pain in factory farms...and so are the seals .....all are used for food and other parts of the body. I eat very little meat. I hope someday to become a vegan or just eat hunted animals that are killed with respect . Why? becuase it is better first off for the environment ...second it is kinder and more respectful and third it is healthier. I am not saying anything about me being morally superior one is...but we can't go around screaming at the seal hunt without taking into consideration all the factory farmed animals. Eating just eggs....factory farms usually kill off male chicks.....eating dairy causes male cattle to be killed off early as veal ....the intelligence of the animals has no basis for why we eat or not. They have intelligence to be who they do we. If you eat meat or not...please just be very cognizant of hypocrisy that's all.
I'm a romantic
I don't know what it is about me but I love to have the flirt, the twinkle in someone's eye, hoping that someone has seen me and thinks I'm cute on Craigslist missed connections...etc. why? I guess I am just a romantic. Something about these things really puts a lift in your foot step and makes you sort of giddy in a gentle way all day. I love my boyfriend and his focus is great...but I just like to be liked. I guess most people do. What do I do with the flirts? Nothing..I smile, I say thankyou...I don't lead anyone on ...I'm adult enough to not do that to anyone but it is like a wee gift that someone gives you that makes your world a bit more beautiful. Flirts etc. don't have to mean more than just what they are...a flirt. They don't have to promise more than just what they are. If I was single or back in my open relationship that I used to be in ..I might do something about it but for now..I just take it in and smile and giggle. Guys? tell a woman she is beautiful, girls? tell a guy he is gorgeous! just don't promise more than that...unless you really want will make somebodies day I swear! Have a great flirty day. :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
The town I grew up in
I"m just about ready to leave the town I grew up in once again to make that journey back to Victoria BC. Mum still lives here...she's flea jumped to a few houses and condos since I've grown up and away and right now it's a lovely two bed townhouse up for sale....220,000 she's hoping to get for it.'s a lovely day in May and the Dogwoods are all in bloom. In mum's backyard we see many a bobbing robin staking out his territory and the cherry tree heavy with pink explosions of blossoms. Oh the floor has just been sprayed and swiffered (lookieloos coming to day with real estate agent) and I am asked to wait until the floor dries to move. So here I sit. I don't relish this floor cleaner smell ....ick. Laundry is slowly churning away in the dryer and we are going out for pizza soon. I'd rather smell pizza than floor cleaner. Silly thing to say really...I mean who wouldn't? Anyway....almost off to home. I miss my birds terribly and hope they survived my four day absence. I leave their cage doors open so they have free flight with appropriate perch spots covered with newspaper ofcourse and I've set up Sophies bridge-stairway back to her cage if she falls (she can't fly you see..she only falls and bounces)so I hope she is especially okay. For mum's sake I hope her home sells...but I will miss her being so close. She will move to Calgary if it does be closer to her boyfriend. I can understand the problems of long distance relationships for sure. Anyway...not much to say at the moment...just using time whilst I wait for the floor to dry. Listened to poprad podcast once again and laughed. Those two British men are so funny who hosts and one who is the guest that is. You can find it attached to Eric Wiltshers blog and/or Leigh Banks. Have a listen if you want some jolly fun!! Any ways...seems like it's drier now so off I go..lunch and pizza soon!!!! Have a great Friday!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
On mother's day
My first foray into this subject starts with me apologizing not for only being a 9lb baby but having a big head which really must have given mum a lot to scream about pushing me out. So Sorry mum.
My mother has shared many things with me growing up...from picking berries together, to baking bread and making doughmen, to being fitted for handmade clothing and to looking at the old photos together.
I've been lucky to have this close friendship with my mother that embraces both mother and friend simultaneously ....which has brought me to feeling like her mother at times in fierce protectiveness to arguing a teen point to an adult and losing. She and I have shared so many much conversation and shared secrets that I consider myself very lucky to have her in my life. Right now I am being tested in learning how to let go and let my mum make her own mistakes or lessons ....and it is not easy. I want to protect...I want to play the daughter card but I can't. My mum deserves the right as does anyone especially at her age keep on fall down and pick herself up. I can only support her in any way I can. I ask God/des s to give me strength to love and let have the faith that all things happen as they should. I love you mum. I wish you joy and happiness and the realization of all your dreams mum. Happy Mothers day.
My mother has shared many things with me growing up...from picking berries together, to baking bread and making doughmen, to being fitted for handmade clothing and to looking at the old photos together.
I've been lucky to have this close friendship with my mother that embraces both mother and friend simultaneously ....which has brought me to feeling like her mother at times in fierce protectiveness to arguing a teen point to an adult and losing. She and I have shared so many much conversation and shared secrets that I consider myself very lucky to have her in my life. Right now I am being tested in learning how to let go and let my mum make her own mistakes or lessons ....and it is not easy. I want to protect...I want to play the daughter card but I can't. My mum deserves the right as does anyone especially at her age keep on fall down and pick herself up. I can only support her in any way I can. I ask God/des s to give me strength to love and let have the faith that all things happen as they should. I love you mum. I wish you joy and happiness and the realization of all your dreams mum. Happy Mothers day.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
You make your own life
My life can be whatever I want it to be. I can imagine it into existance...manifestation is our birthright by spirit. We always have this with us but have so so long ago ceased to believe in our co-creative powers. We do not have to connect into that paradigm that says "world is harsh, money is not there, people are cruel" . I'm working on believing in my own power. Some days are better than others. If I decide to not give into the mindset of "watch all the news" "don't get caught off guard" "don't hide your head like the proverbial ostrich"....why does this concept threaten some? If to be in the know of all the terrible things happenning in the I add to it by believing that it is real? Can I not manifest my own reality? sure we are not an island..that goes without saying. One must be strong enough to withstand the mindsets of others and to focus on the prize. Everything that happens is for a reason...everything is a lesson and how we each individually and as a whole react to each lesson is what matters. Think of Jesus. Here is an exceptional being that was so sure of his higher self that it was stronger than many around him. He would manifest enough loaves and fishes when many thought he could not..he could walk on water when others feared for his life. This is a lesson folks! this is what we can do if we have faith as real and sure as even a small mustard seed. You know the seed is know you can do things to the seed...and what may happen...that is what it is all about...KNOWING...getting past the hoping or thinking and into gnosis. Asking yourself if it is ego or knowing by the method of elimination until you cannot be anymore honest with yourself. Understood...ego aka the adversary does want to thrive...we have made it king. We have manifested this falsehood ourselves and now we have made it into all the layers that surround us like an onion. Stop it. be loving and let those layers peel away until you reach the center which is nothing and everything at once. The centre.....the kingdom of heaven is within says that famous scripture. I am learning. I am not THERE yet...I have much to go but I am happy that I believe I am on the right track. Create your own life. Don't fall into the structures that everyone else builds for you.....take control of your own life. Be free.
Friday, May 8, 2009
feathered children
Pictured at left is Tori and Sophie.
I love my feathered children. Right now the Budgies are sitting together watching me type and the Lovebird is sitting on the top of the cage preening. There is such a calmness about them . Sophie the hen budgie is tolerating Ollie (the cock budgie) nicely lately. Sometimes she can't stand when Ollie is near her. It's interesting. Tori the Lovebird regurgitates and feeds Sophie the Budgie....Ollie the Budgie regurgitates and feeds Tori the Lovebird (male). No one feeds Ollie (well ofcourse except me with seeds.) Ollie is a bird that loves to sing and is a very sweet bird...totally close to Tori and follows him whereever they fly. Sophie gets nervous whenever Tori is near her (except when Tori wants to feed her) because she cannot fly (she is what is known as a Runner) and when Tori comes very aggressively at her she sometimes falls off the cage onto the floor! Tori tells me when it is time to go to bed by banging toys in his cage, flying inches from my face and sometimes landing on me when I am in my bed. Tori also tells me when he needs a bath by trying to bathe in Sophies water dish. I then bring out a larger water dish for Tori to bathe in. Sophie hangs near the bathing Tori and gets sprayed as Tori shakes and wiggles. Ollie never bathes. Ollie seems clean..but I don't understand why he never wants to bathe. Anyway..they are my little loves. Tori the Lovebird is turning 9 in July , Ollie the cock budgie is turning 7 and Sophie the hen budgie is turning 4. Just thought I'd share.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A witch and a gay guy walk into a bar.....
sometime in the near future I will be going on a two week road trip with my good friend of 33 years. We are heading into a very conservative small town in Saskatchewan....a witch and a gay guy. We have vowed to be on the lookout for pitchforks! This will be an interesting trip to be sure. I am using part of this trip (a big part) as a photographic and video taking journey. I can imagine I will have pic after pic of grain elevators and barns and plenty of big sky and canola but I do hope to capture small town Canada...the oddities and I suspect we will exercise our laughing muscles almost too much ..our singing out loud in the car muscles and our getting on each others nerves muscles and loving every minute of it. We've known each other through our late teens,into the twenties and coming out, into my marriage and separation, his first boyfriend, into my father's passing and his mother and fathers passing and into his own quadruple bypass. He is my biggest fan, my comic doppleganger and my dearest friend and I am his I would suspect. I'm glad he is in my life. Here's to you Barry. cheers.
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